Wednesday, 10 November 2010

'SAW' Poster Analysis

1. what are the main colors used in the poster and what do the connote?
the main colors used in the poster is grey, this shows death and lifeless.

2. what symbols are used in the poster? do you need audience for knowledge to decode the symbols?

3. what are the main figures/ objects/background of the poster? are they represented, photographically,graphically or illustratively ?
The main figure is the victims hand, this is presented illustratively.

4. Are the messages in the poster primarily visual, verbal or both?
Both are used.
5. who do you think is the intended audience for the poster?
i think the intended audience is 18 because the poster is graphical with a picture of a cut of hand.

6. Given that all movie posters have the same purpose - to get audiences to go see a movie- what persuasive techniques are used by the poster?
Persuasive techniques used in this poster is of a cut of hand, this will make the audience want to go see it because it shows that its violent, scary and gory. Also the writing is in bold black so it stands out and catches the audiences eye.

7. which genre conventions are referred to?
The conventions are horror.

8. Is a star used as a unique selling point?
No there is not star used.

9.Are “expert witnesses” ( critics) quoted?
no there is none.

10. What pleasures (gratifications) are promised by the poster?
One of the pleasures is so be scared.

11. How is the attention gained? humor, shock, surprise)
The attention gained is by a graphical photo of a hand.

12. How does the tag-line work? (humor, pun alliteration ect?)
There is no tag-line on this poster.

Production constrains

1. how important is this information on the poster?
The information on the poster is important because it gives you institutional content such as production company the stars and the director of the film.

2. How important a part of the whole marketing campaign is the poster? where is the poster placed?
since the introduction of new media technology such as the internet and mobile phones the use of the poster is less important, however it can still be used.

3.How expensive was this poster to express?
with the use of computers and cgi, its not that expensive.

Critical evaluation

1.Is it an effective poster? why?
yes the poster is effective because the picture is of a a dead hand and it attracts the audience and shows its going to be a chilling,bloody film

2. Does it communicate effectively with the audience?
it does not really communicate with the audience as it is quite plan and dosent really tell much to the audience

3. Are there any alternative readings which might harm the message of the marketing campaign?
there is not alternative message, its very plan and simply shows its a horror.

4. Is the poster offensive in any way?
To some people the might find the dead hand disturbing but it does not offend people.

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